Episode #28 The Sequel Machine: Spider-Man 4

We take a break from our regular schtick to bring you something special: Matt & Brett Love Comics! in association with Left Handed Radio present The Sequel Machine.

The Sequel Machine recruits 24 writers to write the sequels for film’s biggest franchises, one page at a time. The catch: the writers only get to read the page before theirs in a round-robin, exquisite corpse style. The end result is hilarious, twisted, and about as coherent as any other misguided Hollywood sequel.

This is Spider-Man 4.

Spider-Man 4 Cover Art

Written by: Brett White, Aaron Burdette, Frank Hejl, Anna Rubanova, Adam Bozarth, Jason Saenz, Taylor Moore, Dan Chamberlain, Beth Appel, Ben Stadler, Ari Scott, Kerry McGuire, Mike Scollins, Dru Johnston, Katey Healy-Wurzburg, John Freiler, Jon Bershad, Chris Schell, Chris Wilkes, Dave Bluvband, Kevin Hines, Will Hines, Erik Tanouye, and Matt Little.

Photograph of the cast on stage.

Performed live by: Jeremy Bent, Adam Bozarth, Aaron Burdette, Dan Chamberlain, Matt Little, Taylor Moore, Cathryn Mudon, Anna Rubanova, and Brett White.

Featuring Michael Hartney as esoteric comic-book comedian Nicky Gold.

See the next Sequel Machine show live: Dark Knight 4. UCB Theater East, 3rd Street & Avenue A. Thursday, September 6th, 7:30 PM.

Check out more photos from the show by Curtis Retherford.

Artwork by MRTIM, creator of webcomic Our Valued Customers. Buy his book!


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Airdate 16 August 2012
Duration 48:06
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