Episode #91 Paul Montgomery / Thor #344-349 (1984)

iFanboy’s very own Paul Montgomery joins Matt and Brett in a celebration of all things Thor! Okay, well, it’s actually just a celebration of the six issues surrounding the first appearance of Thor’s new big screen baddie, Malekith. These Podcasters Three join forces to analyze the work of Walt Simonson and answer the big questions: What’s up with Balder? How accurate is Thor’s New York City geography?

There are several places to find these issues:

  1. Amazon: Thor by Walter Simonson Omnibus
  2. Amazon: Thor by Walter Simonson - Volume 1 and Volume 2
  3. Comixology: Thor Visionaries: Walter Simonson Volume 1 (#337-348) and #349

Paul Montgomery previously appeared on Matt & Brett Love Comics! Epsiode #42 “Film Students: It Gets Better”. You can also hear more from him on The Fuzzy Typewriter and iFanboy podcasts.

Music: “Don’t Carry It All” by the Decemberists

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Airdate 11 November 2013
Duration 1:18:12
Download MP3 Audio (35.9 MB)