Episode #113 Dave Bluvband / You Can't Always Go To Steve Ditko

This week’s chat episode guest is our dear ol’ buddy Dave Bluvband. You may recognize Mr. Bluvband from his work on public access sensation The Chris Gethard Show, where he appears as The Human Fish. In this free-flowing talk-a-palooza, we discuss Dave’s love of Silver Age Marvel, his comic shop habits when traveling across the country, and some of his comic-book based comedy exploits.

The 2009 Cast of X-Prov

You can follow @Bluvband on Twitter, and be sure to check him out on The Chris Gethard Show!

Music: “Hegira Émigré” by of Montreal

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Airdate 28 April 2014
Duration 1:13:52
Download MP3 Audio (33.9 MB)