Episode #57 Justin Aclin / The Freeze Frame Animal House Ending to the Wizard Story

This week’s guest is Justin Aclin, author of the new Dark Horse Comics original graphic novel, Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Defenders Of The Lost Temple. In addition to contributing to Star Wars canon, Justin was also an editor at ToyFare Magazine (and “Twisted ToyFare Theater”) for the last chunk of its existence. So get ready for more Wizard Tales, as well as Star Wars talk.

(For more Wizard history, check out Podcast Episode #47: Down the Wizard Hole.)

You can follow Justin on Twitter @JustinAclin. Order a copy of Justin’s new graphic novel, Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Defenders Of The Lost Temple from Amazon. You can also pre-order his second Star Wars graphic novel, The Clone Wars - The Smuggler’s Code (coming in July).

Next week we will be reading Thor: God Of Thunder #1-5 with professional wrestler Christopher Daniels! Pick it up on Comixology or pre-order the collected edition on Amazon.

Music: “In The Darkness” by Foxygen

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Airdate 18 March 2013
Duration 41:01
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