Episode #114 Movie Recap: The Amazing Spider-Man 2

Matt, Brett, and two friends of the podcast watched “Amazing Spider-Man 2” on Thursday night and man oh man did they all have thoughts about it! In between a lot of soul-searching, the gang does come up with some things they liked about the film, and then just had a good old time discussing some of the film’s more interesting choices.

You can hear Katey Healy-Wurzburg on previous episodes where we discussed Spider-Man’s many origin stories, as well as our “The Amazing Spider-Man” street review. You can hear Kevin Hines again on our 100th episode, as well as on our Amazing Spider-Panel (which actually ties in quite nicely to this episode). You can also check out surprise podcast guest Mike Lawrence @TheMikeLawrence on Twitter and on his own podcast, Nerd of Mouth.

Music: “My Hero” by Foo Fighters

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Airdate 6 May 2014
Duration 37:57
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